Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Randomness as the Christmas Season Has Begun...

Well, advent is here and that means that Cara has begun to dress the house up. Just some random observations, funny stories (to me), etc... about the past week or so. I know Cara has the long, well written posts that pertain to great ideals. Me? I post stuff.

First, I just finished watching Muppet Family Christmas with Teresa. Some things are just a billion times better when done with your children (even when she pushed YOU away as you try to cuddle).

Secondly, we have had snow. It is still kinda here. Teresa was convinced that "snow = christmas eve". Somehow we dodged that bullet.

Teresa and Frances had their first bath together where they actually played with each other (before it was a throw Frances in and wash super fast deal). It was hilarious. They splashed each other, giggled, dumped water over their heads...

BTW has Cara ever mentioned that at preschool it has been noted that Teresa has been asked to "Be more gentle" and "Have an indoor voice"? Personally, both are lost causes.

Yesterday I had Teresa playing with her Little People creche, and gave her Joseph and explained he was Jesus' daddy. Teresa informed me that "No, the angel lives with Mary". Me thinks we have a little work to do with her.

As per Teresa, Frances' new nickname is 'Panny' (pronounced like "fanny"). This is a shortening of Francey-Pants to just a bit of the second word.

I know there is more that can be said, I just can't recall it. And now I will steal some awesome pictures Cara took and post them in my post.

Just recalled... Teresa now will sit on my lap for a 30+minute story with very few pictures in the book. I really need to get her to read...

And lastly, Teresa is now trying to stretch her bedtime. One day she was up at 10:00 and told Cara that she closed her eyes but couldn't sleep... Poor girl.

p.s. I posted a new banner a month ago and no one noticed. \Enorme Soupir\

I will let the above pictures speak for themselves. Cara did deem the camera more important than the saving of our daughter.

Once again, I got nothing. I wasn't home but I assume that minimal clothing = easier clean-up.

This is just such a darn good picture.


Sarah said...

well, "Jesus' daddy" is complicated ... and the angel had a role in getting the earthly family set up, and, um ... darn it, that is NOT in the godmother's handbook!

She couldn't just throw us an easy one like yelling "the man in the dress is a bad man", could she? :-)

Pearl said...

I noticed the new banner, but I figured that you'd been changing it regularly, so I didn't comment. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

I also noticed the new banner but I was obviously too eager to check out the pictures of the girls (the stars of the blog) to realize that your self-esteem needed to be built up, a function for which I am famous.

So, here it is, entirely spontaneously:

Hey, great new banner.


PS I loved the laundry basket photos. Definitely, the priorities were right. Photos first. Rescue second.

Meghan said...

I noticed!!! The naked painter made me LOL.