Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Update on the baby person....

My poor sweet Margaret has been so neglected on this blog, but not in our day to day life at home. Our little Miss M is a very easy baby to love. She is a happy, content baby who loves nothing better then to be in the middle of the action. Margaret truly enjoys being in the middle of whatever shenanigans her sisters are up to, and Teresa and Frances can always be counted on for endless hugs, kisses, stories, songs and the occasional (frequent) Evil Knievel type tricks. But back to Margaret.

Since we have brought her home the transition from two to three has been pretty easy, well, easier than I envisioned anyway. For a while the housework and laundry suffered more than usual, but that was never high on my priority list before Margaret came along anyway. While we have had a few difficult nights, Margaret and I, for the most part she has been quite accommodating.

Margaret is now serious about rolling over, can kind of sit up by herself and likes to make her voice heard by joining in our family conversations. She is often content to chew on her fist or feet, whatever catches her fancy and loves an orange cat that makes crinkle sounds. With each of the girls I took monthly pictures to post, and this is also true for Margaret, well, except for the posting part. Here they are, Margaret, months one through four.