Saturday, March 10, 2012

Margaret's First Bites

This morning, Margaret had her first few bites of solid food.  We have been planning for this for a while, as she is a voracious eater, but Cara waited until I could be there.  Her sisters were tremendously proud of her, as you can see.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Just a Simple Picture...

I often feel guilty for not sending out more pictures of the girls to our family and friends. I feel especially bad because we have yet to give anyone a picture of all three girls together. Well, this photo session is the reason why this has not happened yet. I wish I could say the girls were just particularly rambunctious this day, but that would be a lie. This photo session is the norm, although I am tempted to print off the last picture and send it out. Despite the lack of movement it's actually what each of the girls look like the majority of the time.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Some more cute randomness...

Of late life has been de more, in all of the best ways. Margaret keeps getting chunkier, and is sitting up for a few precious seconds before falling over. Teresa and Frances are berserk, but love their sister. Rowdy is, well, a precious and crushed soul. Cara has her Wednesday and knits. I get my Mondays and my beer making. Life is good, and someday Cara and I will be able to go out together on something that has the semblance of a date.

 I am presently wearing a horrid moustache as Frances has asked me to shave everything but my upper lip (Why? Why? Why?). Cara has given up meat for lent. I have given up caffeine for lent, along with using technology for things other than checking email / work while the kids are up. Conveniently a David's Tea opened up in Grant Park Mall this week, and the kids are in bed at 6:00... Well one of those statements is true.

 I have been trying to convince Cara that I can be a vegetarian too. It is just that meat is a mere socially construction, and as such if I believe that burgers, ribs, steak and bacon are vegetables they are vegetables no matter what simple biological tests tell me. Being a vegetarian is so east now, and as an added bonus I get to condescend even more than usual... Never mind. And now for some pictures.

This could be my last sleeping Margaret cuddle...

The girls were given paper robes at the doctor's office for their checkups.  They decided they were Sleeping Beauty dresses.

The box on her head just makes the outfit awesome...

I've seen that dog somewhere before...

Margaret visiting the dog park for the first time.  Beauty of a day in Februrary, I think it was ~-2C

Teresa loves her sister...

...and being photographed.
Playing Angry Birds with Sarah
Skating at the local rink with her pre-school friend Rachel.  This brings up a kinda sad story.  The other day (after Frances was registered fro pre-school), Teresa told her that she would make good friends but lose them all when she goes to Browning...


This is how I control Frances during Teresa's swimming lessons.  Lock her up.

Got an app for the camera that makes funny pictures.  Teresa loves it.

Yeah, more of the same.

Teresa's Playdoh Alien