Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Just a Simple Picture...

I often feel guilty for not sending out more pictures of the girls to our family and friends. I feel especially bad because we have yet to give anyone a picture of all three girls together. Well, this photo session is the reason why this has not happened yet. I wish I could say the girls were just particularly rambunctious this day, but that would be a lie. This photo session is the norm, although I am tempted to print off the last picture and send it out. Despite the lack of movement it's actually what each of the girls look like the majority of the time.


Sarah said...

(1) blame Ken :-)

(2) there are a couple of pics from grandma (mom's mom)'s second wedding, trying to get a group shot of all the grandkids... I'm not sure there were two looking at the camera in either and IIRC in one of them a kid is walking out of the shot. It'll happen with any large enough gathering of little kids. So look on the bright side - in other words, the girls are able to reach critical-kid-mass all on their own!

Pearl said...

Get a few more pics in a row and maybe we can create a flip-book to send out at Christmas... :)

Cara said...

Oh, there were more pictures Pearl, I just took a random sampling. That being said, a flip book is actually a pretty good idea.

Anonymous said...

You could Photoshop them into a couple of perfect pictures.
