Saturday, November 28, 2009

Teresa & the Puddling of my Heart

I am not sure if it is something all fathers experience, but I know that my girls have been successfully melting my heart since they were born. Teresa though is honing her technique finely and is becoming exceedingly effective at it. Her new thing now is randomly telling me "I love you too" (even if I haven't said it first) and asking for cuddles at bed time. Tonight she stroked my head like I have stroked her head... She is awesome.

Teresa is getting more and more independent too. I don't recall Cara mentioning it, but she now can do up buttons, put on most of her clothing (and sometimes correctly!), and she will get herself up in the middle of the night to go to the washroom... She just keeps getting bigger and amazing me in new ways. She is starting to know her letter sounds and can count ordered objects fairly well (sometimes she forgets to stop).

Here are a few pictures I have recently taken that I don't think Cara has posted that I quite like.

She is a darling... And yes, she is now normally out of focus

Yes Frances is upset, but this is how the two girls seem to play with each other. Teresa really likes helping out now, primarily by telling Frances 'no' to things we have already deemed not allowed, and then carrying her away if need be...

That is my girl who pulled herself up onto my leg. She now uses her easel, car & walker to push around the house and walk.


Anonymous said...

Some fathers were able to resist the so-called "cuteness" of their daughters and maintain discipline and decorum at all times. In fact, one father you know was so stern that his third daughter practiced cuteness in a (vain) attempt to wrap him around her little finger.


PS - They are very CUTE.

Ken said...

Yup dad, you were never played by your daughters... We all know that :)

Sarah said...

Heh. Forget the coquette poses.

"And what is it THIS time?" - hee.