Sunday, November 08, 2009

Stupid Kid Tricks

The girls make life interesting, so very interesting. For example, Frances can now do this:

Which allows her to reach a whole plethora of things she couldn't a little while ago. One of her favorite uses of this trick is to hang on to my leg and giggle while I try to cook.

Teresa, on the other hand, likes to make silly faces. This one was influenced by my father.

Isn't she adorable! Teresa also loves it when Frances wakes up. She runs into her room, climbs up and does this:

Normally, Frances loves it. Normally....

On another note, the strip mall that housed our neighborhood 7-11 is being torn down. Ken especially is saddened by this, so we took a family trip there to have one last slurpee.

Poor Ken, he looks so sad. Frances was inconsolable.

1 comment:

Pearl said...

I am also utterly appalled that they've closed the 7-11. It was the #4 Slurpee store in the world. IN THE WORLD, people!!! Sigh. Your slurpee-tastic-ness will be missed, dear friend...

Girls v. cute - do we get video of Frances actually crawling soon?