Sunday, November 15, 2009


I think Ken and I's decision to let Rowdy raise Frances, upon deeper reflection, has proven to be a poor one. Frances has taken to her retriever training like a fish to water. Currently, her favourite activity is to find an object on the floor, put it in her mouth, and crawl around with it. While I am proud that she is proving to be a quick learner, I can't help but feel this will affect her negatively in the future.

Okay, I know she isn't carrying anything in this one, but it's so friggin' awesome I had to include it.


Sarah said...

oh, yeah, and the plastic flower one is adorable.

So having rejected a soother, she's turned the entire HOUSE into a soother.

Pearl said...

Whatever you do, don't complain about this to Teresa. She might just take it upon herself to train Frances a little bit more, and then make her her own personal slave. "Here Frances, put this in your mouth and follow me..." :)