Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Baby is a Pre-Schooler....

and in some ways that is so wonderful. Teresa has grown into a loving, caring young lady, who just happens to be completely hilarious. Although Teresa can be a bit of a diva (I'm pretty sure she gets that from the Yost side) with her arguing and frequent meltdowns, she is also very nurturing. For example, she is with Ken (who has a bit of a cold) checking him out with her brand new doctor kit. She has just informed him he has a fever, but he will get better. She tells Frances she loves her, comforts her and brings her toys when she is upset, reads little stories to her and plays with her. Teresa is becoming a very good big sister, which is not really surprising, since she is being tutored by the best (don't look so surprised Andrea, you know it's true).

So today my Teresa is three. We had her party yesterday and she had a blast running around with her friends and completely destroying her room. There in the presence of her family and friends she opened gifts, ate cake and ice cream, had a tea party and charmed us all. It was a wonderful afternoon, and here are some of the highlights.

Great Grandpa and Frances

Pre-dinner mayhem

Frances is teething a bit and likes to chew on anything

Rowdy sniffing the loot

Addie, enjoying the tissue paper

Ladybug cake, hand-crafted with love....and much icing.

She sang Happy Birthday and clapped with everyone

She blew out most of the candles by herself

Mmmmmm, ladybugs are delicious!

And now, I put together a little montage of Teresa's first three years.


Anonymous said...

Awesome cake!

Congratulations Teresa

Auntie Jacqueline & Uncle Tony

Pearl said...

1 - Ladybug cake = awesomeness!

2 - Am I allowed to gloat that I am the only auntie who made the cut in the photo-montage?

Happy Birthday, Teresa!