Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lunch with Oma

My sister and I took a trip down memory lane yesterday with a drive out to Steinbach to have lunch with our Grandma, Teresa and Frances' Oma. When Andrea and I were kids we would spend a couple weeks out in Steinbach in the summer, one week with each set of grandparents. It was a great time, and inevitably, Grandma Friesen would make us this:

This is pizza made in a pie plate, and nobody, I repeat, NOBODY, can make it as good as Grandma can. So Andrea and I went, had a nice visit, a good dose of nostalgia and Teresa exhausted my grandma's bichon, so a good time was had by all. Except maybe the dog....poor thing.

Frances, hanging out with Auntie.

Frances with one of her namesakes.

Teresa and BJ.

Update: After giving up feeding Frances any form of solids for two weeks, we tried again this morning and she ate like a pro! No complaining, crying, or fussiness of any sort. Turns out we just had to wait a bit before she was ready. Who knew there was any benefit to this whole "being patient" thing we keep telling Teresa about.


Sarah said...

Frances looked very ... inquisitive. Possibly dangerously so. We all know how much she like destruction :)

Meghan said...

Frances is looking great!! Can sit up like a pro too.
FYI: Hulk Hogan will be at the Barnes and Noble at MOA on October 31st. Just thought you'd like to know that.