Friday, September 18, 2009

Saint Rowdy?

The other night I was going though some of our old pictures, and was laughing because it seems that Rowdy truly has been replaced, poor pup. When we first got Rowdy we took picture after picture. There is even some video of him swimming. Now, well, he's lucky to get in the shot, and even then it's usually by accident. It's not as if he lacks attention, Teresa and Frances love him, much to his chagrin.

Even so, the fact is Rowdy is an awesome dog, the perfect dog for our family. Teresa dresses him up, chases him around and tries to ride him. Frances has witnessed this, and, in order to fit in she has taken a liking to pulling on his jowls. All Rowdy does is lie there, tail usually wagging, lapping up the attention. Sometimes he'll let out a low growl and walk away. If it's gotten bad he will look at me, then the back door, begging to go out. Rowdy is so patient with the girls, and it is wonderful to watch the three of them interact. But for now, I present to you, all by himself: Rowdy!


Ken said...

Our poor little puppy looks so tired... And he gets so little time from me now due to football, sigh.

For those wondering how an 80 pound dog is small, talk to my sister's horse-like Great Dane.

Jackie Yost said...

How about putting a photo of the Dane from this summer?

Pearl said...

Hang on... this is a picture of Rowdy... not being tormented... is that allowed? Or were these pics taken while the girls were out of the house? I can't imagine how else that could have happened. :)