Monday, September 07, 2009

Season in the Sun.....

Today we returned from Grand Beach for our last long visit of the year, as we foolishly scheduled Teresa into gymnastics classes this fall on Saturdays.  The weekend was amazing and we had a great time, but obviously I leave with a heavy heart as the cottage is a place that I love.  I hope that my children will fall in love with the cottage as much as I have, and I know that Teresa is well on her way.  I don't know what it is about the cottage, although I am certain it has something to do with having grown up there, but it is made that much more special when I am there with my wonderful girls.  I was verklempt at times today for no good reason, save that I knew that today was my last day there with my girls at this moment of our lives.  It isn't helped by the fact that by the time most people read this post Teresa will have been in her first preschool class.  I find it difficult to believe that my tiny little girl is growing up so quickly.  As I said to a friend last week, my girls are a physical sign of my continuous aging which I am terribly conflicted over.

This weekend spent the most beautiful weekend of the summer on the beach.  It was a great weekend, as we had Kris & Susan visit for a couple of days and I got to spend quality time with Teresa at the water, splash with Frances in the lake and I even went for a long morning walk on the beach with Rowdy.  I saw the osprey, numerous pelicans and found joy in watching garbage men with Teresa.  Foolishly though, Cara and I forgot to use the camera at any point in time so there is no new pictures.  I did though spend some time one evening working with old footage, making the baptism video and three others that will soon be posted on the blog, and here is the first.

This video is of Teresa diving and playing at our neighbour's water slide.  For long time blog readers, you will recall that Teresa is a water baby who will spend hours in water.  This summer she has truly come into her own, as after a few weeks at the beach she would 'dive' into the water, splash, enjoy being soaked by splashing, and pretty much anything that didn't involve submerging herself.   I must admit though that I found myself exceedingly proud of Teresa this weekend, as we were at a friend's pool on Friday afternoon where she finally chose to let go of me in a pool.  In the past she has been glued to me and terrified, but Friday there were older kids about and she saw them playing in the water so she tried on a spare pair of water wings and actually went into the pool without me and started to learn to kick about the pool.  I was always nearby, but honestly didn't believe that this would happen so soon.  My girl is growing up and somedays I think I will blink and she will no longer be the perfectly innocent and nice girl and be an older kid that judges others and excludes the 'losers'...

Without further adieu, a few pictures from our wonderful summer at the beach and the video of Teresa 'diving' and playing in water.

Splashing with mommy.
Frances & daddy in the lake...  She was fussy then, and was great today.
Swimming with auntie Tarra
Floating and playing in the lake.
So darned cute...

1 comment:

Cara said...

I like the post Ken, and I think the camera work on the diving video is especially smashing! See you soon.