Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Terzilla meets Karma

When Teresa was Frances' age, she loved to destroy whatever Ken and I built for her. Heck, she still does. Well, now that Frances can sit up, she is more interested in playing, especially with Teresa. We used to just plop her down by Teresa with some of her own toys and she would happily chew on her own things and watch Teresa. However, lately she has been more, ummm, forceful in her efforts to play WITH Teresa, not just by her. She wants a piece of whatever action there is. While tea parties are now pure mayhem, "building" towers has to be my favourite activity the two of them take part in. Teresa builds while Frances destroys and I laugh. To Teresa's credit, she is taking this new development rather well, and does not get TOO upset with Frances, just says no and tries to rebuild. I hope she takes Frances' future destruction in stride, because God know little sisters can be a pain in the ass.


Anonymous said...

I must admit, I like that fact that you're letting a 3 year old and a 6 month old work it out on their own - while you just video the moment.

I was showing my co-worker a picture of the girls from the blog and she was very jealous as Frances has more hair than her daughter did at 4 and Teresa has more hair than her now 6 year old.


Anonymous said...

Big sister and little sister playing together nicely. Very cute. Of course, this means they will get along perfectly their entire lives without any arguing or grudges over perceived slights and be best friends forever just like Auntie Jackie and Auntie Sarah!


Sarah said...

Just don't let Frances get her hands on Teresa's tambourine. Accidents happen; just sayin'.

Meghan said...

LOVE the opener edits - is this the signature for all videos? The bunnys were cute too, but I had to laugh.
Reminds me of "sit UBU sit. Good dog."

Pearl said...

Ah yes, "No Frances, no!" will be repeated by Teresa over and over for the next... eighteen years? Twenty? ;)

Sarah said...

I can hardly WAIT to witness a tea party. Perhaps the idea of a real china tea set is bit premature :-)