Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Wednesday night we went out and saw the Simpsons Movie thanks to Jeff's willingness to babysit, then Thursday we were at the Lyric Theatre at Assiniboine Park listening to Ran Paley's Big Band play, along with a sushi picnic (we brought a thai peanut-sauced meat balls, Ooops!). Finally, on Saturday we were over seeing Phil & Lindsay for the first time in ages. We were never this busy before we had Teresa, I feel like a social butterfly!

Anyhow, as for the title... We brought Teresa to the picnic because it was early and there would be another child there, 7 month old Isaac,son of Kev & Jenn friends of Warren & Lindsay... It turns out that our daughter is quite a tart, pursuing Isaac with a wide open slobbery 'kiss' to end it all. Note now terrified Isaac looks. Anyhow, because of that Warren (of Palomino Club 'fame') decided to give Teresa the moniker Coug, short for cougar. For those of you unversed in Palomino parlance, I suggest you you look it's slang definition up, using the wikitionary. We also learned that Phil & Lindsay have called her 'Mo T' short for Mother Teresa. Needless to say though, I was appauled by daughter's actions and will keep her away from young men for the next 30-40 years. Without further ado, the pics....

The babies and moms

Teresa looking cute

Isaac after Teresa

Dear God, no! Stay away from young boys!!!

OK, this is not funny....

The kiss...

Isaac is terrified by Teresa's uncontrolled advances!

I say to you all who may think this is funny, it is not! If I must, Teresa will be sent to the nunnery post haste!


Anonymous said...

As usual, Ken is overreacting, but Teresa is a bit of a tart. We won't be sending her to the nunnery quite yet, but I think a talk about the appropriateness of making out with young boys in public may be in order.


Anonymous said...

well, if you want her to come visit, there's quite the nunnery out here on the St Ben's campus. I'm pretty sure they don't accept prepubescent postulants, though!

Anyhow, you won't get a gajillion photos from mom - it took some jimmying, but they fit on a single CD.


Jennifer P said...

My poor, poor, POOR son. After I told him that you guys will be at the park on Thursday he pooped himself. Wait, maybe he was going to do that anyways. At least he now has teeth to bite back with.

Anonymous said...

c'mon, she isn't a full fledged cougar, more a "cub" :) Cute no matter how you look at it. Perhaps she was spiriting Gloria Steinam?
