Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Back to Grand

As anyone who knows my family of Yosts, they should know we have an affinity for (as my father likes to refer to it) Plato's Ideal Beach, located in a secret place...  Oh what?  I mentioned Grand Beach before.  Darn it.  Well, knowing that I wouldn't be able to make it up to the lake for month due to other commitments, I cajoled Cara into skipping her nephew's birthday and coming out to Grand Beach the first weekend of June.  We shall return Friday (or Saturday depending on how long Jeff's move will take).

This was planned to be a quiet easy weekend of enjoying the water.  Sadly, as I pulled into the cottage I saw this:

Really?  Come on guys.  I do not want to have to saw down 5 trees and haul them to the corner.  Cuss! Host! Tabernacle! Ah well, so I took out the chain saw and got the trees down and segmented, and then promptly ran out of gas.  CUSS!!  A bit more work on Saturday and Sunday and we solved the problem, and I inherited a great deal of firewood.  Why of course the trees blocking our view can't magically fall over like this is beyond me...  After this and a mow of the lawn we had the rest of the slightly abbreviated weekend to ourselves to relax and enjoy the sand.

Teresa is now a rockstar.  Oh yes, and she looks darling here.  Her cute poses are much improved since Pearl's visit.  Hey!  Wait a second...

Yeah.  That's a lake... Oh wait, in the middle of that picture?  That's a bald eagle!  Another tick for the weekend, along with a ton of pelicans and some spawning carp by the rocks.

Another cute pose.  I could have sworn I cropped this in iPhoto.  Blast.

More lakeside shenanigans.

They love throwing rocks into the lake.  Only once or twice have they almost brained each other or Rowdy.

The girls brought out toys and a blanket for Margaret to play with.

Now that is some quality decoration (and odd posing).  Frances' most recent "smile" looks more like she is growling at the camera.  As auntie Jackie would say "natural poses everyone".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The chain saw was a great purchase. Otherwise, you would have been cutting those trees all summer. Are you sure the lakeshore trees would be missed?
