Saturday, June 09, 2012

All Quiet on The Western (Yost) Front

Clearly it has been a while since we last posted here.  Since the advent of the blog, we have never had a month without a post in it, and while it has been quiet here it has been anything but quiet in our lives.  With Margaret taking up a pile of Cara's time, I am seemingly in charge of the girls when I am home.  Cleaning things up seems like an endless and interminable chore.  In fact when I am done this, I think I will going downstairs to check on laundry...

The past month has seen the girls out three nights a week to swimming and soccer, myself beginning to take 35 km bike rides on a somewhat regular basis, Cara trying to get out on a weekly walk with friends (a broken foot [not Cara's] seems to kiboshed that plan), Grandpa Yost visiting, Mother's Day, my birthday, Rowdy's birthday, a visit from Pearl, opening the cottage and visiting it, my annual Flin Flon trip, spring football, all the things that come up in the last month of school, I know I've forgotten some things from this list but I hope it gives you some idea why when the girls are in bed Cara and I try to find a moment of relaxation and this blog has seemingly slid into darkness.  I can't make promises but maybe I can try to post a little more often.

Clearly Margaret has changed massively.  She is now a fast crawler and is pulling herself up on stuff.  She is getting into the garbage, Rowdy's water, the bookshelf and the girl's toys...

I'll add a few pictures now and if I can find time this weekend I'll post a few more specific events from the last month (+).

How can one not love this cute & chubby face.  Someone at work recently said she reminded her of a Gerber baby, just the right amount of chubby & roll :)

Margaret is enjoying Anika's second birthday party during a nice afternoon at Assinboine Park.  I had to teach the other two girls how to pee in the bush as there were no washrooms nearby.

Celebrating Myrna & my birthdays with a BBQ at their house.  While Ray was grilling, Teresa & Frances decided to "pose" on the runway for us.

One of T's pretty poses.

The two girls being pretty.

Teresa put on a tiger dress and this was her scary pose.  She also did a silly one, but the camera was too slow...

Margaret enjoying the soccer ball.  She scooted into the dirt around the tree base in the bottom right.  That's my girl!

Sisterly love can quickly become sisterly suffocation...

Teresa dressed teddy up all fancy and placed him (or her depending on the day) on a xylophone.  Why?  She can't give a definitive reason other than "He was playing about a story where someone dressed fancy laid on a xylophone".

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