Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Girls In Action

As mentioned previously the girls are busy during the week.  We feel swimming lessons are important and we were lucky enough to get the girls into lessons at the same time.  This is Teresa's last set of lessons named after an animal (we think it is Sunfish, but we can't recall), as she will be 6 next round of lessons so she will numbered...  Both seem to be having great fun, but they seem confused by the idea of "swimming" at Grand Beach.

Cara and I also had a slight disagreement about soccer, but both the girls asked to be in it so we put them in soccer, which once again was conveniently scheduled at the same time for both of them.  It is also quite nice that Teresa gets to see a bunch of her pre-school friends, as Teresa broke Cara's heart earlier this year when she told Frances that she would make lots of friends at pre-school and lose them all when she went to Browning...  Also the two girls are on the same teams as another pair of sisters that Teresa made fast friends with this year in kindergarten.  The girls though are not the best athletes (I know you are stunned, how could they not with such a lineage that they are bred from?) and as such are generally more interested  in the social aspects of the game, like dandelion picking, snack time and breaks.

The girls proudly wearing their jerseys.

The girls normally ride to & from soccer.  Teresa may be able to graduate to no training wheels this summer, and Frances to Teresa's old bike.  That bike was Teresa's 5th birthday present.

Frances practicing her kicking.

Teresa's soccer team having a tête à tête.  I am pretty sure the discussion went something like this: "OK, so we will all chase the ball in a pack.  Oh, Grace, you want to pick dandelions?  That's fine.  Also, remember never to anticipate where the ball will end up, just run to where it is.  Dylan, when you get the ball make sure you kick it towards our net."

Frances enjoying the social aspect of the game.

Hey look, Teresa's working at getting to the ball!

Magaret & Rowdy regularly come to the games.

Rowdy is in heaven as everyone wants to pet him. 

Teresa actually excelled at goal, attacking the ball, coming out to block angles, and generally behaving like a goalie should!

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