Sunday, September 16, 2012

Margaret is 1!

It is hard to believe, but today Margaret has officially turned one.  No longer an infant, now a toddler (though that realistically started sooner) she has been enriching our lives with her cuddles and craziness for a year now.  In honour of her first birthday we hosted a small gathering for her yesterday, with her Godmother, auntie and grandma Friesen in attendance, and we lavished her with food and gifts.  Cara spent the last month or so knitting her a blanket, so she received that.  Soon she will be out of her sleeping sack and sleeping with her blankie I suspect.

In the long time that has passed since we last posted (yes I know I said I would be better, but there was a summer, an ongoing renovation, and three wonderful kids that occupy almost every moment of our lives until we crash) but the milestones keep coming down.  Margaret got her first tooth about 3 weeks ago.  She started walking around the same time too...  Now she chases her sisters quicker than ever seemingly enjoying terrorizing them (not that they don't get their comeuppance).

Here are some pictures from her party Saturday.

Auntie Paula & her Goddaughter.  Uncle Andy looks amused by the shenanigans.

The cake.  Outside...

... and in

Margaret seems confused / concerned with the cake...

Cake?  Why would you torture me with this?

Mmmmm....  Ice cream!!!
Did I mention I like ice cream?

Oh yeah, that's a happy not-baby-aymore

Her sisters thoroughly enjoyed the food too.


One happy kid.  She ate most of her cake, all of her ice cream (& some of mine) along with a full dinner.  This kid has a career path in competitive eating.

Is that a $600 camera grandma?  Don't worry, you can trust me with it.

And a one year retrospective... Yes, it is a little long but I made it for the party to run on the TV.

1 comment:

Pearl said...

Sooooo... I'm thinking a summer visit is in order soon. I'd like a cake something like that for my birthd- I mean, ahem, looks like a fun party! :)

I finally got to watch the video now that I'm home. It was blocked in the UK due to copyright. I have no clue...