Saturday, March 06, 2010

New Family Member.....I Think

After many months and numerous rejected stuffies, it looks as though Frances has finally chosen her special "Teddy." Except it's not a teddy, it's a mouse I have been calling Millie. I think that may be a bit of a copyright infringement, but whatever. Frances loves this thing. I saw her put it back in her crib by shoving it through the bars. She also kisses it when they are reunited, they are so cute together.

Please note the two bottom teeth. She is in the process of cutting her two top ones, and is being SUPER pleasant about it.


Jackie Yost said...

You mean that the teddies and the lambkins are all pushed aside?

Meghan said...

Is that a note of sarcasm in the last statement? Really Cara, I would never think that was you.... :)
Love the mushroom top!!!