Monday, March 22, 2010

Little Bunny Foo Foo

Saturday I was home alone with the girls and we were playing in Teresa's room and she handed me a bunny and told we its name was 'Foo Foo'. This of course led to me singing (or what I describe as singing) the song and Teresa began singing the Good Fairy part. I took a break to get the video camera to share this with Cara and the world and we reprised it.

You will note that:
1) Teresa inherited my singing voice (poor girl)
2) We don't know the words all that well
3) Teresa doesn't get the concept of one last chance.
4) Frances enjoys sippy cups



Jackie Yost said...

I loved the song! She is doing great in front of the camera.

Pearl said...

I'm confused by the over-abundance of "one-more-chance"s... Were ther a lot of good fairies, and each gave one more chance, or did the good fairy have short-term memory problems?

Anonymous said...

I thought that bunny Foo
foo ran out of chances and was shot through the head. You seem to have adopted the Youth Criminal Justice Act approach!


Ken said...

Today Teresa only gave one more chance, then because Foo Foo was bad we decided he had to go to his room...

Then we sang a new song

Little Teddy Sam, Walking through the forest, eating up the animals and putting them down his throat...

My daughter is getting a little macabre already.