Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Time To Catch Up (II) - Father's Day Weekend (part i)

A father's day tradition here in Casa Yost is to, no matter what, find ourselves at Grand Beach.  This year we were able to leave Winnipeg after lunch on Friday and stayed until we had to go to Ray & Myrna's (see Part II coming Friday) for dinner on Sunday.  As always the beach was perfectly perfect, but it was made more-so due to the first really nice weekend we finally got.

The highlights of the weekend for me include the half tent working to perfection, Teresa remembering how much she loved the lake, playing with Rowdy & Teresa on the hill and our family walk on Saturday.  Sunday we planned a family picnic by the lake which worked out OK, except for Teresa deciding she wasn't hungry.  In the future we have to figure out a way for her to always have a clean water cup by her so she doesn't get thirsty.  She had no problem with long walks for the potty and I introduced her to the dunes.  We also went for a long walk, and Teresa made it all the way to the channel on her own and most of the way back.

Here's our little ballerina wearing her belt...
I wonder who did this to our long-suffering pup?
Our fantastic girls playing together...
Story time with mommy.  Please note the literary classic that is being read (Cookie Monster and the Cookie Tree).  Cara foolishly thought this was a story that taught you the importance of sharing.
At the lake and Teresa is rumbling in the water.
Cara and Frances enjoying the shade.  I guess I should mention that Frances actually got a rash from all the moisture that she sweated into her skin folds in her thighs.  That little girl had better get hardy quick so she enjoy the entire summer at the beach.
My girls & I at the beach...
Frances really didn't like the water that much.  The water was great on Friday and Saturday but for some reason on Sunday it was ice cold.
She's better now!
Part ii will roll out Friday...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

so shrieking at the Grand Beach water for the first summer is a family tradition now?