Friday, April 03, 2009

30 is the new 20

On April 1st, I turned 30. It wasn't a huge deal, I've never been scared of growing old. I figure since it's going to happen whether I like it or not, I might as well not fight it, and save my energy. Why do I need this energy? Well duh, I have a 2 year old and an almost 2 month old. Soon I will have 2 mobile children and I need to figure out how to run in 2 different directions ASAP.  And although my 20's were great, I get to take the best parts of that decade with me into my 30's, so there really isn't anything to miss now is there?

My 20's were very busy, I got married, became a teacher, got my first job, got a house, got a dog, had a kid, liked that alot, so I had another kid. But in my 30's I still have the awesome husband, dog, house and kids, so really, when I look at it, 30 is just the new 20. New and improved I suppose.

I do have a few things I want to do in the first year of my 30's. I want to go back to weight watchers, and reach my goal weight. I want to learn to run, and try fitness boot camp. I want to ride my bike more, walk my dog more and pray the rosary more. We'll see how I do, trying all of this and running after two kids. I may not reach all these goals, but heck, I'll have 9 more years after this. With Ken, Teresa and Frances, I know this decade will be a hell of a good time.

We went to the Byward Market in Ottawa on my birthday day. This was the beaver tail Ken consumed.

Two of my favorite people. 

A view of Parliament from the market.

My girls and I.

I got a birthday balloon, but I could have NEVER had as much fun with it as she did.....ever.

Teresa helped me blow out my many candles.


Ken said...

You had 2 kids in your 20s...

You should therefore have 3 in your 30s :)



Sarah said...

I'd say that comment shows Ken is dad's Mini-Me, if I weren'tfairly sure that Ken's a bit bigger :-)

PS - hope you liked the ecard, Cara

Meghan said...

Have fun in Ottawa!!

Anonymous said...

Who is this "awesome" husband of whom you speak? the one you brought with you to Ottawa is just plain old Ken.


Sarah said...

Say, any pics of "T meets Louis"? Or do you not want to make Rowdy jealous? Heyyy, I can smell ... you've been petting another dog? Riiight? Haven't you? And you left me all aloooone