Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The New Normalcy @ Casa Yost
OR: Why the Old Normal Sucks!

Well, I will likely be going dark in the near future as I will be in class Monday - Thursday evenings for 3 hours at a shot.  Boo!  Cara & I are bemoaning the fact but it will give us a monetary boost in September as I will be done, so I suppose that is a yay!

I figured I should post some random stuff we have seen around the house lately.  Our normal is nowhere near actual normal.

I guess this i the new normal in Manitoba...  Easter Sunday we go to visit Jeff in St. Adolphe, and he suggests that HWY 210 (in from the East & HWY 59) will be no problem.  We come to a section that has already flooded over.  The river crested 6 days later.  When we visited Jeff, we went on his dike to see the lake that his property oversaw.

My poor, poor dog.  Teresa gives him bows and clips and dresses, and has tried to pick his nose with a pencil (have I ever posted that video?).  The other day I went downstairs, I knew Teresa was putting a dress on him (actually a blanket) and when I came up 10 minutes later he was still sitting there with his dress on.  The poor, poor crushed soul!  This is our normal.

Frances sleeping in her swing.  If Frances is not seated or cuddling into Cara she will not sleep...  One night in the first month Cara gave her to me as she needed to sleep, and unable to calm her for half an hour I put her in the swing and promptly fell asleep myself.  I awoke an hour later to her concerned calls as she had almost fallen out!  Yup, this is out normal.

Teresa is riding her bulldozer while being a fireman.  This is one of the fusions of professions we see daily that almost makes sense.  She has lately taken to riding her Harley on the handle bars, and also jumping from chairs onto the couch.  I see a future in the circus...  Normal?

Teresa loves Frances, and will eventually kill her because of it.  Normally she will shower her with billions of kisses, and all sorts of other affection reagrdless of if she is asleep or not.  Here Teresa covered her with her blankie and gave her Teddy & her new rabbit to make her feel better...  I am glad she loves her so much, I just wish she would let sleeping babies lie.

Teresa loves having her picture & video taken.  She's just normally unwilling to pose nicely for it.  Here, do you see the tiny green speck on the floor by her left hand (remember her left is your right people!)?  That's her toy gorilla that she wanted a picture taken of with her.  No picture with Teresa can any longer be 'normal'

Here we go again, getting Frances to sleep.  Right now I see the two of them doubled over in sleepy goodness.  Have I mentioned the new normal is good?


Pearl said...

Awww... Rowdy looks so cute with the bow in his fur!

And I absolutely LOVE Teresa's rainbow shirt - if I was two again, I would totally steal it from her and wear it all the time. (Do NOT take this as an invitation to give me a copy of it for Christmas - contrary to Dad's world view I'm not two anymore).

Good luck with your classes!

Anonymous said...

Pearl is only 18 months and very cute!


Sarah said...

let sleeping babies lie? But Frances looks so cute peering out from a pile of toys and blankets!

Pearl said...

And to answer your question, no - you haven't ever posted the nose-picking video...

Cara said...

It is very disappointing that nobody seems to have noticed how cute I am in the last picture.

Ken said...

Aren't we needy?

And anyways who see how cute you are when there is a ball of cuteness attached to you :)

Sarah said...

Sorry, sleepy baby is trumps in cuteness points,

The clip on Rowdy looked like it was just balanced on ... does Teresa actually *clip* bows to him sometimes? If he puts up with that, he is one patient dog.