Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Sweet Sound of Silence

Today Teresa fell asleep on me. This was a sweet surprise since she tends not to nap if I am anywhere near her, and hasn't since she looked like this:

When she was little Teresa would nap on me all the time, and I adored it. She would snuggle into me, then wake up all sweaty on one half of her face, dozy and ready to eat. It was lovely. But, since she started sleeping in her own bed (It has been quite a while now) cuddling and sleeping on Mommy's lap is tres passe.

Today though, today was different. She woke up too early from her nap, so I cuddled her on our chair. Usually this ends is stories and giggles, and as I looked down I noticed her gangly toddler body was curved around mystery baby and her eyes were closed. Any responsible mother would have woken her I suppose, but I just rocked, stroking Teresa's hair and feeling mystery baby squirm away. I just sat and enjoyed this quiet moment with my most precious beings and reveled in being a mom. It was awesome.

When she is awake, Teresa is a budding artist.

Note her very mature use of colour and composition....what a star:)

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