Thursday, December 18, 2008

When you're two, it makes sense to put a codpiece on the Gingerbread Man.

Christmas is going to rock this year. Why is that you ask? One word....Teresa. Teresa is now old enough to understand the goings on and the history behind this special time, and is excited. We have an advent calendar that has little stories each day that follow the adventures of Mary and Joseph. So far Mary is a hands on favourite, but we haven't met the baby Jesus yet, so she may fall lower in the ranks.

We have done a few Christmas activities as a family, our church had a rockin birthday party for the baby Jesus. There was crafts, contests and games, hotdogs and cake. We all went home on a sugar high with a holy glow about us, as the priest blessed the birthday cake before it was consumed. We also went to a Christmas village hosted by the Aboriginal Student's Association at Red River College. Teresa ate cookies, made ornaments, coloured and got her picture taken with Santa, without crying. There was also an awkward T-shirt war between Ken and one of the native fathers. Let's just say Ken was wearing his "Vive La Reagan Revolution" shirt.....and the other gentleman was not.  

Teresa's first Gingerbread Man...note the codpiece and the lack of any order:)

Teresa posing with her "artwork"

Look at that teamwork.

The first ornament made by Teresa. Note the face is her foot and the antlers her hands.

This pipe cleaner tree was a family effort.

Teresa posing with her snowflake we left at the Christmas Village

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