Saturday, December 06, 2008

Slowly Squirming Towards the Light

I am now almost 30 weeks along, and I still feel pretty good. The only big changes I've noticed are that I get tired very quickly and have a very hard time picking leggo off the floor. The 2nd problem I have solved...I do in fact have a very nimble 2 year old, and she she can pick up her own damn toys.

My latest doctor appointment also revealed that the baby is fine, the heartbeat is strong and I am still in the clear health wise. Mystery baby is about 2 1/2 pounds and the length of a butternut squash. This kid moves A TONNE! Squirming, stretching, kicking, and funnily enough, tickling. This kid, like Teresa also does not appreciate any invasions of it's space. Ken and I were cuddling one morning and mystery baby kicked him in the tush....I like this kid already.

For those of you that are a little slow, Teresa is showing you where the baby is.
Teresa is also doing well. She is fun and loving and a huge bossy pants. She cannot boss mommy and daddy (but she tries), so she has taken to bossing Rowdy. She feeds him every day, and then promptly tells him to go eat. Her favourite sentence is "Do it myself!!" and she had taken to throwing a tantrum or two when things don't go her way. On the whole though, she is a great, funny imaginative kid and we have a wonderful time together.
Teresa and her Auntie Andrea. Andrea will occasionally bring treats, and her purse has been dubbed the trick or treat bag.

In her super cute Nike tracksuit, one of the many joys of parenting a girl.


Meghan said...

Looking great Cara!! glad to hear the baby is giving you a run for your money :)

Edwin said...

Yay for the newest Yost!!! Are you sure that you're pregnant and haven't just swallowed a pumpkin? :-)

Just kidding!!! We think you look radiant! And the pumpkin thing comes from talking about butternut squash... Mmmmmmm... Squash.... *drool*

Ummm... Errr... So Teresa's bossy? I'm sure that has NOTHING to do with her aunt Jackie's genes... :-)

Anonymous said...

Now, if Mystery Yost has a personality like Teresa's... I want videos of the inevitable showdown :-)

BTW, Ed - try a buttercup (if possible kabocha crossbreed) squash. A bit sweeter and starchier. In Thai red sauce ... yummmm. (What? I'm not weird. This is eating "in season", right?)

Anonymous said...

Making her pick up her own toys! The poor child. Her world is already being turned upside down and sib isn't even born yet. I predict major resentment and many years of therapy.


PS You do look good

PPS There are no good squash recipes.

Anonymous said...

Dad, you said you liked sushi and tried a bunch of stuff; dollars to doughnuts that you tried and liked marinated kabocha strips on some.

And pumpkin pie is a quintessential squash recipe :-)

Ken said...

pumpkin <> squash!