Monday, October 13, 2008

Life just can't get any better.

So my term is officially done, and I am looking forward to resuming my former lifestyle. My plans for tomorrow are as follows:

  • Get up early and go to the gym (this is actually a new development)
  • Let Teresa stay in her PJ's for hours and eat pancakes.
  • At around 10, we will go for a walk to the nearest polling station and vote.
  • After voting, it will clearly be time for the park.
  • The park will be exhausting, so we will retreat home to watch Super Why and eat lunch, then stories and a nap.
  • After nap time it is snack time, and then crafts:)
  • Ken then comes home, so it's Daddy time all the way!

The adjustment will be tough, but I think we can handle it.


Edwin said...

That sounds like such a trying day Cara... I really hope you can handle it.

It's really great to hear you so excited! Have a blast!

Anonymous said...

I wondered what Super Why was so I Googled it. Millions of hits but Wikipedia describes it. It is child abuse for a child to watch something that includes:

Peas and carrots. Carrots and peas.
Book come out.Please,please. please.

Where is the gunplay? Teresa will end up a wimp. I am sure this is a leftist plot with all kinds of subliminal suggestions that Big Government can solve our problems since this is a PBS production.

Sure enough, the plot line of one episode is Whyatt wastes water. AAARGGHHH!!!


Cara said...

Ha Ha! It saddens me so that you disapprove of my television choices for Teresa. To give you an idea of how the show has entrenched itself in Teresa's world, she has named a wand Presto after the princess and often says "double drat", a la Wonder Red:) Although I vote conservative, I am raising my daughter with the specific intention of aggravating you and shaking your political beliefs to the core:)

Oh, and wasting water is very very bad, you should listen to David Suzuki more often.

Anonymous said...

Greg, no violent TV at 2 years old. Daisen received the same "abuse" and look what happened to him!


Anonymous said...

Relax, dad. I'll get her hooked on Japanese animation with cute kick-butt "magic girl" protagonists.

Of course, you'll gag on the sparkly Sailor Moon merchandise, but the usual program format involves bashing *at*least* one monster per episode.

Anonymous said...

Have been thinking about this post all week - wrestling with serious envy!

Hope the day was everything you hoped for!

