Saturday, October 04, 2008

Check out the belly yo!

So the baby is growing, and growing, and growing. There is now no way on God's green earth I can fit into pants which do not contain elastic, nor am I feeling the urge to. The new kid is just as squirmy and kicky  and it's older sister was, but moves most when I'm walking Rowdy and reading to Teresa. I have a sneaking suspicion this is Little Yostie's way of warning Teresa that her lap hogging days are over!

We also had or first ultrasound on friday and have photographic evidence of Yostie (like the belly wasn't enough!) The ultrasound actually took over an hour, due to the squirminess of out latest addition, and most of that time the technician was looking for the bladder (she found it, but had to work fast). All is well with the little one, and the two areas of concern (the heart and spine) have developed normally so that is a relief.

In other news, I have completed 5 of 6 working weeks....yes, I am counting down. The school, kids and staff have been great, but I miss my real job. This term has actually reinforced Ken and I's decision to have me stay at home, and I can't wait to get back at it. I never really felt isolated when at home, and working all day makes me feel like I'm neglecting those who need me most (that would be Ken, then Teresa, then Rowdy in descending order of neediness:)

So without further ado, here is the belly...soon to be known as the swollen mass that attempted to eat Cara whole.....oh, and the baby, and Teresa.
Oh yeah....that's some belly.

This morning, Teresa had tucked Brown Dog in for a nap...

Our fuzzy gray miracle. Here is a profile shot.

This is another profile shot, the mouth is wide open.

Here are the arms.

And another appendage I don't recognize at the moment.
Our Teresa:)


Anonymous said...

She's just gorgeous Cara!

Anonymous said...

Teresa is still cuter ... but I think Yostie Mark II is catching up :-)

Meghan said...

Looking great Cara! Hope for a T-clone!!

Anonymous said...

Looks much like Teresa at the same stage. I am surpised that Ken is the neediest. Ordinarily, Yost men are fiercely iondependent and fully able to function completely on their own. I guess he always was a bit different.


Ken said...

[ROLL EYES]Different??? You say that like it's a *bad* thing??? [/ROLL EYES]