Friday, March 07, 2008

Today's Top Story...

Well, Teresa annihilated Cara's glasses earlier today as she had been reading the last Harry Potter and then had a nap. Thusly, Cara had left them on the bedside table on my side which is easily reachable by little hands... A few hours later after I got home from work Cara was putting laundry away and I was doing something in the bathroom Teresa grabbed Cara's deoderant and started playing with it. Cara asked Teresa to return it and no big deal, she did. Two minutes later I am standing beside Cara and hear a cracking sound... Teresa had torqued Cara's right hand glasses arm around 180 degrees, bent the main frame and cuased her lens to pop out. Now we have to look into the cost of new frames or a whole new set of glasses. Cara is leaning to the later rather than the former as she would like sturdier frames against little hands. I personally suggest sports goggles :)


Anonymous said...

Remembering how cool you looked in sports goggles the summer you broke your regular glasses, I understand your preference.


Cara said...

Father in law's should be nicer to their delicate and sensitive daughter in laws. I'm hurt and confused Greg:)

Anonymous said...

That's why God makes children cute :)

InsertMonikerHere said...

clearly, all new parents should be offered Lasik vouchers at the hospital :-)