Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt


Edwin said...

Rather funny how Tarra woke up this morning and said "it's about time Ken posted another video of Teresa on the blog", and voila! It's already been done!

I can tell who Ken's favourite in-law is. :-P

As for Teresa, she's adorable as always, but everyone knows that.

InsertMonikerHere said...

For all the time the munchkin spends trying to get, oh, behind chairs she's not supposed to get behind, it's a little surprising she needed some encouragement to look in the corner.

Oh, wait. She didn't have on her nice, new, clean dress yet. It wasn't yet time to try to get into the fireplace! :-)

Anonymous said...

Holy plethora of posts, Batman!

Still a bit creeped out by the porn 'stache, but Teresa's cuteness is almost enough to distract from it, so all is well.

Now, are you going to tell us what candy the Easter bunny brought - and how long until it *mysteriously* disappears??

Anonymous said...

Admittedly, she is a bit young for clues. Her dress was (is) very pretty so I assume you did not let her eat chocolate while she had it on. I enjoyed the picture and caption about the real reason for Easter.


Anonymous said...

I'm with Pearl on the porn 'stache…I couldn't quite place what I thought of it but Pearl nailed it for me!

Just wait until she older and you won’t have to offer any clues or encourgement - Noah torn out of his room and headed right for the living knowing just who might have dropped by for a visit. He was very delighted to see that the Easter Bunny brought him Lego (which was a last minute thing because he told me the day before that the Easter Bunny always brings Lego - news to me but what the heck do I know!).

Teresa’s dress is very lovely and she does a wonderful job posing for pictures. I think you can actually see Noah saying cheese in some of his.

L :)

Anonymous said...

You are too nice! A couple of cryptic clues would have been much more entertaining!
