Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Teresa's Bottom

Teresa Running Around... This video has to be locked own otherwise it may offend YouTube's standards police (and I don't want just anyone looking at my daughter deshabille). Also, note that in the last clip Cara & I have a grave philosophical difference related to spatulas...


InsertMonikerHere said...

but what is the world *else* would you use a ladle *for*?


Anonymous said...

If you want to solve the spatula/flipper debate once and for all, you'll need to rent Weird Al's "UHF" and check out the "Spatula City" ad to see if they sell metal ones too. I think that we can all agree that they are the true arbiter of spatula-ness... :)

Anonymous said...

p.s. I just watched it on Youtube (with the wonders of the interwebs never cease?). Cara wins.

Ken said...

It is my firm belief that Spatula City, while truly the place to find spatulas has diversified into other spatula-like products, metal flippers being one of them. While I thought the very same thing, I must conclude that I am still right.

Sorry Pearl...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pearl, but now Ken is pouting, because, deep down, he knows he is wrong:)))


Ken said...

At least my smiley's don't have quadruple chins!

Neiner - neiner!

Anonymous said...

Only a Dad would think it funny if she peed on the floor. I was impressed by her prompt obedience when told not to hit things with her ladle. Reluctantly, I have to side with Cara on the great spatula debate. The definition is:

A small implement having a broad, flat, flexible blade that is used to mix, spread, or lift material.

The blade looks flexible to me. If it were rigid, however, Ken would be right.


PS - Why was she naked in the first place? Do you have your thermostat set at 25?

Ken said...

It was bath-time, and she always goes from her bedroom to the bathroom and decided to take a detour... Cara believes this is perhaps the cutest thing she has ever seen so we got a bit of video to remember it by...

Now I know how Caesar himself must have felt on the spatula debate... Es Tu Padre?