Saturday, March 01, 2008

Teresa News

Well, there is a few things to report on I suppose.  Her word repetoire keeps on growing and every day she amazes me with her knowledge of what we are saying.  Today she went and found her shoes where she had left them when I asked her to and she put her water cups aside to go down the stairs after I asked her to (and she tried and realized that i was right - it is dangerous)

She is also turning out to be quite the climber! I was sitting on the couch the other day and she used my foot as a step to get up to my lap, the crawled over me to get on the couch. She can sit on the chairs from her table set all by herself and is constantly testing her limits. I am expecting to find her on top of the fridge one of these days:)

As if we were not experiencing enough milestones, we will be buying Teresa her first big girl bed! We first have to clean out the guest bedroom, choose some paint colours and redo the baseboards, but that will be done over spring break.  Right now we are leaning towards a The Very Hungry Caterpillar theme for the bedding. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, has she jumped out of her crib yet? One morning before Daisen was 2 I walked into his room to see him jumping down from the crib rail (it was on the high setting). Needless to say, we went out and got a bed immediately.

Also, you need to teach her the Beatles song in anticipation of your Dad's 64th birthday, you've got a few years to do that. :-)
