Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Rowdy is the biggest suck in the dog universe...

Well, yesterday morning I went downstairs and saw a tiny little vole scurry behind the fridge.  The good news is there is no evidence of long term living quarters thus far.  Anyhow, apparently today Cara thinks our dog (who I have told to do his job, and kill the damn thing) saw the things and turned tail and ran away!!  
What a lame-oid!


InsertMonikerHere said...

what is with Yost homeowners and rodents right now? (Ask the parentals the fun they had on the weekend :) Jackie and Tony should watch out for scurrying creatures...


Anonymous said...

Voles are dangerous creatures. Some of them weigh 6 ounces and they have sharp teeth. No wonder Rowdy fled.

I don't think it would be a good idea to do what we did about the mice in the attic - 6 small packets of rat poison. the mice chew the bag and find little pellets of treated wheat.

I also shoved steel wool into the only potential hole we could see. I haven't heard them this week.
