Thursday, September 21, 2006

Homecoming is Saturday

St. Paul's annual homecoming weekend (coupled with the 75th anniversary of Crusader football) is Saturday.  Cara originally joked that she would have the kid then, and it looks like the joke could come true...

If not, Oak Park takes on #1 at noon & Elmwood takes on #2 at 2:00 with the rededication of the field between games.  

Trying to keep positive here, but it is getting taxing.  I have been in 'go' mode for much too long now.


Anonymous said...

Waiting is tough. My friend Nikki was two weeks overdue with her daughter Grace but she refused to be induced and wanted to have it happen naturally (so, sadly, it could be another week for you guys!!). Baby has to come out at some point so enjoy your last full nights of sleep because you know they are going to be gone SOON!! Good luck with the delivery guys and make sure you call. You know me...I hate to wait as well. Thank god Noah was early I would have gone nuts!!


Anonymous said...

If cletus shows up at homecoming Tony & I will be laughing at (WITH I mean with) you guys!

Best of luck


p.s. You are a lucky man as I would never let Tony attend football while I was overdue!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Us down in Minneapolis keep checking up on you two! You have an international cheering committee.

Meghan H.

Anonymous said...

My friend Teresa says the average time overdue for first-timers who didn't measure the exact ovulation date is nine days (and she read TOMES while getting preggers) ... so I'd say any time at or after the game.

Darn, too late to organize a baby derby. A researcher in the lab in California did one with sex, weight, length, and delta from the due date...

Take care,


Anonymous said...

"Homecoming is Saturday" THERE would be a halftime show for the ages.

All the best!

Anonymous said...

Cara - your Dad did say if you didn't have that baby by Friday the 15th, you would have to wait a week until he got back. You know your Dad likes to be right.


Anonymous said...

You spend all this time waiting for the baby to come and in a few weeks, you'll wish it was back in!! Best of luck for a short labor and an easy delivery.

Michelle (Yost)

Anonymous said...

I just caught Cameron and Benjamin jumping off the kitchen table...enjoy the peace and quiet while you can :)


Anonymous said...

Let's hope the baby comes soon - It's getting harder and harder to by gender neutral baby presents!!

Cara, I'll call you later, after you've walked a marathon, had a spicy mexican meal, jumped for an hour on a trampoline and taken a long, dirt road country drive to Steinbach!
