Monday, May 16, 2011

See ya Diapers?

So Frances has been asking to be potty trained lately. We went out, bought her panties, discovered those were too big so went out and bought some more. She has been sitting on the potty to "pee", flushing, and pulling up her pants. There is no question she is ready, the only problem for me is finding the time. With Teresa we needed a full week to stick around the house and just let her learn at her own pace, but now we never have an uneventful week. I guess we just have to go for and let the chips and urine fall where it may. And always carry extra clothes around with us.
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Jackie Yost said...

Congratulations to Frances!!!

Pearl said...

Go Frances - you can do it!

Wait, this is potty training - should it be "don't go" instead...? Or do we need two separate cheers depending on the situation?