Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May Long - Sunday

Sunday turned out to be a nice day.  The girls got up around 7:00, so we had a few hours to burn before church, and then we planned to drive to East Beach, as it is the only beach open to anyone.  With some spare energy to burn, the girls played on the hill which further soaked their shoes & clothes.

Frances running up and down the hill (P.S. Nice hat  :)

After church we drove off to East Beach where we had an opportunity to play on sand, eat a picnic lunch, go exploring in the hills where Teresa and I found deer prints, an orange frog and bugs. I even got to take a couple dives and as Teresa and Frances both pointed out, the water was somewhat less than warm.

Lunch Time!

I love the contrast in the colours here, and the clouds.  Into the water we go.

Things brightened up, and the girls dug holes, made & destroyed castles...  You know, the normal stuff.

For the first time ever, I got to bury Teresa.

If Teresa gets to be buried, than Frances must be too.

Warming up the shiverer.

Frances' position reading was just too much like mine (and too cute) for me to ignore it.

Teresa wandering on the rocks, all on her own, at her own behest.

We later got to plant some tomatoes, basil and peppers in the patch, where the strawberries and oregano are already coming up gangbusters...

Mmmmm...  Weiner roast!

Enjoying the view from the balcony, Teresa deemed it 'perfect'. They have played Rappunzle from it. And what a fine feat of engineering it is :)

If you want to see my mainly naked body diving into the ice cold water, and didn't see it on twitter you can go to http://yfrog.com/nf254gz For the record, Cara almost missed my dives, and missed my light amble into the water.  My heel didn't need any icing later.  I will not be fathering any more children for 12-24 months :)

For less repulsive videos, here you go:
Teresa climbing on the rocks all on her own. For the record in a rare moment of responsible parenting, I told Frances that she was not allowed to go on the rocks on her own.

Here the girls are rolling on the hill. Teresa has taken it on herself to train Frances in many different aspects of life, and this is one of them. It is very cute to watch them interact with each other.

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