Friday, May 20, 2011

Mother's Day

Well with Mother's Day come and gone, I had figured that some people would be interested in what we did  for Cara on her day...

In our house Cara commits herself to cooking for her mother on Sunday so she insists I take the kids off her hands on Saturday and cook her dinner.  This year we did some shopping for her gift, dinner, and other stuff.  The kids & I went out for lunch and then I got them down for a nap while I smoked Cara some ribs for dinner (FoodFare had baby backs for $2.99/lb, YUM!).  Cara got to relax by shopping with her sister for jeans (for her sister), how this is relaxing I will never know...

Sunday began with the girls and I making Cara a card while she slept in.  After that I released the hounds and the girls got to show mommy what they got her & made...  Teresa decided on the wording of the card, which she wrote (after I wrote it on a piece of paper) all on her own.  Cara ended up getting flowers for the garden and an immersion blender for her shakes & soups that she makes.

Out shopping and picking flowers. There would be more pictures if the girls didn't require 24/7 supervision to avoid destruction of the flowers.

Prepping to make the card.  Frances really should do everything naked to save us the stained clothing...

The card is done!

Happy kids :)

The inside of the card...  The family is drawn at the bottom, I have the short hair.  I forget the exact wording, but the inside said something like "Hi mommy, you love us so much.  Love Teresa & Frances"

The outside of the card, pretty self-explanatory.

And here is the video of the morning after...


Pearl said...

Wait - is Frances wearing the *monkey pyjamas*??? What did you have to do to get Teresa to relinquish them?

Ken said...

Teresa might look OK, but if you look closely, there is small scar where the lobotomy occurred.

Actually, we made it clear they were not winter PJs, and that she outgrew them. No she has other, pinker, monkey PJs.

Pearl said...

Ah, the siren song of pinker pyjamas. I totally understand... :)