Monday, May 23, 2011

May Long - Saturday

Well, this was another fantastic weekend at the lake, enrapturing Cara and I with the joys of watching our kids grow and enjoy the lake. We did the normal stuff, opening the cottage, checking out what had changed (Hint: 2011 > [2010 + 2009 + ... + 1978] ), church, going for a swim, walks, staring out at the lake, hot dog roasts.

If you have been following Cara & my Twitter and Facebook feeds you may have seen some of this stuff, and heard how some things went. I am pretty confident that my father was appalled by this, yet in a corner of his heart he was happy to see some off the pictures and videos and got a chance to say hi to the girls.

I have enough stuff exported to fill a few posts, so I will go day by day.

Saturday was pretty darn bleah. Rain, drizzle, grey... Nevertheless we needed to go for a walk with the girls.

It may be raining, but it's a good time for a walk

The front beach.  You aren't allowed on West Beach.  Anywhere.  Apparently it will be completed on time for summer otherwise the company will be fined heavily.

We played for a good long time at the park, and then stayed indoors reading books.

Now for some videos...
Teresa giving Rowdy the gears constantly for not doing exactly as she says...

Teresa & Frances scratch their backs a la Rowdy

The girls enjoy the puddles. Responsible parents would have remembered to bring their galoshes. We did not :)

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