Saturday, August 22, 2009


So Frances is six months now, and since I am a "good" mother I introduce her to solid foods. I even mix the cereal with breast milk in order to make the transition a little more palatable. The first day she takes a couple spoonfuls and smiles and the maniac (me) making funny faces at her. The second day she is clearly unimpressed, but eats a bit, forcing down a couple spoonfuls so that the boob lady will give her what she wants already. The third day I got this:

And this:

Complete with gagging....

Needles to say, this whole solids this is not looking promising. And I'm wondering how strict I've got to be with this thing? I mean, how important is it really babies eat solids RIGHT at six months. With Teresa I just followed her lead when she was this age and I let her tell me when she was ready. With Frances, she seemed ready, but this morning she wouldn't even open her mouth for the spoon. So, after talking it over with Ken, we have decided to take a week off. I may try some fruit and veggies to see if those are more palatable to our little diva. I'll have to think of something, because right now, she is not buying what I'm selling. Any parents out there with suggestions? Other than exclusively nursing for a year, I don't need the girls going on strike as well, or looking like tube socks (sorry).


Sarah said...

Oh, I'm sure you could some nursing advocates to say that not only is it not necessary to start any solids at 6 months, ideally you wouldn't until muchmuch later ... like when the kid can use complex sentence forms to ask detailed questions about the food others are eating :)

As for the little diva, maybe giving her a spoonful of ice cream *was* a mistake because rice cereal must be *such* a letdown after that ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ice cream is never a mistake. You just need pralines and cream flavoured baby food!


Sarah said...

vanilla ice cream with a rice cereal swirl?

Meghan said...

An official LOL from me! Am also doing rice cereal with Olivia, not sure if her eating it is because she chews on the spoon or she is actually enjoying it....