Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Mayhem....Photo journalist style!

Frances' first easter has come and gone, and while Frances only noticed a slight change to her routine, Teresa had a fab time. So after three gatherings, two skipped naps and the consumption of approximately ten pounds of chocolate (this is a could be more) we are back to boring old routine. It was nice to see my aunts and uncles, most of whom had yet to meet Frances. Now on to the visual part of our presentation.

Not that Teresa likes candy....

Found it!!

T loves playing with Laura, one of my younger cousins.

Frances, giving Oma some face time.

Easter morning.

See, they do love each other.

The dress. It is the same one as last year, it was just a bit shorter.

The girls, after church.

Ken's girls!

My Frances.

Great Grandma getting some cuddle time.

And Uncle Jeffie too.

Teresa with the egg she painted. She is also very proud of her nostrils.


Sarah said...

Between the headtilt upshot and the nose-picking picture - we believe you! Now, can somebody let T know that no matter how cute her nostrils are, it's not a normal body part to show off prominently? :-)

Anonymous said...

I loved so, they do love each other and the two of them after church. Very cute. Big people trying to decipher clues can be amusing but not quite as cute.


Sarah said...

oh, and I have to say that Frances is doing a respectable job in the wild and crazy baby hair department, although I think Teresa's follicles were more dependably insane

Sarah said...

Oh, and did T run through some clues for her basket? (Is that what the papers are, drawings?)