Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One Month of Francie-Pants

It has been a little over a month since our dear Frances torpedoed into our lives, and things have started to settle down, such as it is. We girls now have a bit of a new routine, and have gone on several outings together with no incident. Who knew a trip to Wal-Mart to purchase rubber boots would be a great help to my sanity, but it is.

As for Frances, she is thriving. At her doctor's appointment on Monday she was 9lb 9oz, which means she gained 1lb 4oz in 3 weeks. She is chunking up quite nicely and is starting to look like a roly poly baby. Frances is also becoming very alert, following noises and looking at whomever happens to be holding her. I have heard a few coos, and it melts my heart every time. Basically, life is starting to settle down and become a new normal. And now for the one month pictures.

Look at those flipper feet!
She fell over during the photo session.

Frances is already a well known finger connoisseur.

This is actually how she looks most of the time.


Anonymous said...

That double chin is coming along nicely! She definitely has rounded out since I saw her.

She is growing nicely. Heh - I was far too entranced by the teeny little clothes to buy the "fries meets broccoli" outfit in a size she could actually *wear* when she'd care about veggies :-)

Anonymous said...

I seriously have to stop reading your blog when I'm ovulating -- if makes me want more babies. And in my world that's just crazy talk.
Your girls are beyond cute.