Saturday, October 14, 2006

More Teresa Pics

In the past week, we have some pictured, and here they are. Teresa is feeding very well and sleeping longer and longer each night it seems. Last night she slept 5.5 - 6 hours straight, and has been doing 5 hours consistently each night. Add into that when she wakes at night she rarely fusses and allows me to sleep! She is continuing to gain weight and is now 8lb 8 oz.

Rowdy is starting to be a little more high strung but I am convinced that is because he hadn't been exercised much last week because of the weather it has been chilly, but worse is that the winds were crazy! I should also add that both of our football teams remain undefeated at 6-0, with the #2 team winning with a last second TD pass 16-13.


InsertMonikerHere said...

I see from you she is stretching out on top of Cara (in one of the middle pictures) that she is well on her way to becoming a yoga master!


InsertMonikerHere said...

Errgh. Bad typing. "I see from how..."