Thursday, August 25, 2011

Two Little Monkeys...

Our crazy girls...  Here they are doing one of their favourite things - destroying our mattress.  I really don't care, as it may cost us a few dollars per time they are having fun (amortized across years, subtracting capital losses due to everyday use) and heck aren't kids supposed to have fun?  We also play 'tackle' and 'pancake' on the bed (tackle I hope is self explanatory, but pancake involves them being 'flipped' while laying on the 'griddle'.  I later butter them and eat them)

My phone will burst a bunch of pictures in a row, but stunningly enough isn't able to take shots at 1/1000 of a second so they are quite blurry.  I think it adds to the mayhem of the situation.  Thankfully the video looks better than the pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jumping on beds is a time-honoured Yost tradition as is sleeping on lumpy beds come to think of fit.
