Friday, August 05, 2011

Playing at the Lake

Cara said my last post revealed how sentimental / melancholy I was becoming with the impending arrival of that four letter word: W-O-R-K!  Bleah.  Nothing against work, I actually love it, it's just that I would rather be eternally playing on the sand with my kids.  I hope all parents understand this sentiment (although you may wish to remove the word "sand" and replace it with your happy memory, while changing the structure of the sentence to ensure grammatical accuracy).

This year has been one of excessive water fights due to my mother's short-sighted decision to purchase spraying toys for the beach (Although in hind sight, maybe it was brilliant, as I have yet to see her be attacked without her as the aggressor...  Hmmm....)  All sorts of mayhem ensued this year, including Aunt Carolyn seeking sanctuary inside the display of clothes on sale then after being kicked out, using her four months old grand daughter as a human shield (which failed, these shooters are accurate :).  A couple days ago, Cara attacked we and then when I brought her into the lake and threw her in she tried to use her pregnancy to get out of her comeuppance...  Sad.

So here we are, and I read today's Baby Blues and think of all this, and I hope our children react with joy at adults having fun rather than this...

1 comment:

Jackie Yost said...

I really think that 3 guns (water squirters) are not enough. I will look into more.