Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Up to Stuff

I know you haven't heard from us lately, but we have been up to stuff. Just normal stuff, the same thing we do everyday. Frances is running and climbing and trying to imitate our actions and communicate, all while killing us slowly with all the heart attacks she seems to induce throughout the day. Teresa is either hilarious and sweet, or a crying, whiney beast who is trying to avoid bed time. Either way, the two of them seem to make doing the same thing everyday fun and interesting.   So, here are a few pictures of our everyday.

Teresa loves to paint.....Frances loves to eat the paint.

Who loves Vanilla Rice Krispies? This girl right here.

Frances' new love is putting things into things.


A rare shot of the Teresa in flight.

Mommy, you drive fast, so I must wear my helmet.


Pearl said...

Wow, look at those teeth!

Meghan said...

Looks like a Degas (the ballerina in flight photo!)