Thursday, April 29, 2010

How To Eat Applesauce

Starring: Frances Yost

Frances has started to enjoy eating on her own, with her own two hands. This frees up much of my time, and I am able to eat my lunch at the same time as the girls. But, it does have it's downfalls. For example, Frances likes to hold her spoon in one hand while scooping the applesauce into her face, sometimes her mouth, with the other. When she does use her spoon, it is usually facing the wrong way. While this technique is interesting, it is proving to be quite ineffective. For example:

Note, the spoon is being used in the correct manner. A rare event indeed.

Sigh. I had to wash that off...

Frances was done. By the end she was covered, including her hair and eyelashes.

Teresa, the innocent (and clean-ish) bystander.

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