Sunday, February 14, 2010

How To Eat Birthday Cake: Starring Frances Yost

Yesterday we celebrated Frances' first birthday, and it was wonderful. After Frances recovered from the shock of waking up to a house full of people she was a delight. Her favourite part was the cake of course. A valentine inspired concoction made by mommy. Here she is, eating chocolate cake like a pro.

 Is that for me??

 Forks are good, but are terribly inconvenient and slow me down.

 Ahhh, that's better!

 Mmmm, sugar. But this plate is restrictive.

My problem solving skills are impeccable today!

Is there anything cuter than a happy cake covered baby? If there is, I haven't seen it.


Anonymous said...

There isn't. How many thousand pictures were taken of this by all the relatives?


Ken said...

As a 'bad' parent I let Sarah take the 1.3 inifinitallion pictures, while I only got video of this event (to come, later, etc...) figuring that she only missed a sum total of 4.62 attoseconds of action, o they didn't need a second angle from me :)

Meghan said...

Happy birthday Frances!! Olivia will be using this post as a reference for her birthday.

Sarah said...

Hey - it was hardly overkill. I only took, what? 25? 30? The shocking thing is that I think all Cara's relatives combined took about 5 pics. Clearly not photo-blogging the baby :)