Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Finickiness of Toddles

Teresa used to eat anything, curry, beans, whatever we were eating, she would eat. The past year and a half however, has been a struggle. She likes one thing one week, then not the next. She actually went for months on end without eating anything green. The past couple months though, things have been improving. She has begun (reluctantly) to allow sauce on her pasta, eat foods that consist of multiple textures, requests green beans, and the number of meltdowns have decreased significantly. This is due to consistency, determination and unabashed bribery. Through trial and error we have discovered chocolate cupcakes are most effective, and save these for the greatest of need. A good example of this would be lasagna.

Teresa used to eat lasagna. If she had a choice now, it would never make it to the menu. Ken and I do not know what it is about this food, all we know is that in order for Teresa to consume it, I have to feed her. I am sure her Auntie Pearl dies a little inside hearing this, but do not fret Pearl, we're on it. It will be an uphill battle though, this is how she reacts when 'forced' to eat Satan's favourite meal.


Jennifer P said...

Same in our house too. Food can't touch and lasagne is gross now. We pick our battles and try to get a wide variety of snacks into him. I was raised on fish sticks and cream corn and turned out just right --- except for that stunted growth thing.

Jacqueline said...

Are you sure she's related to us? I mean ... not liking LASAGNA???

On the other hand, I did grow up with no dessert unless I finished dinner.

Thanks for making me smile!

Anonymous said...

Highly amusing although a clear case of child abuse. We will be sure to whip up a batch at the beach next summer and see if she prefers Grandma's lasagna to her mother's. Of course, by then she will probably be clamouring for it. Reminded me of Sarah and broccoli of course.
