Monday, June 15, 2009


This past week I was sick, so very sick. I had a three day fever and am still feeling the after effects of whatever it is that tried to kill me. We are pretty sure it was n1h1, which does not surprise all know how I hate to miss out on a nice worldwide pandemic. But the problem was, well, I don't get sick days. Ken stayed home with me on Monday, but because exams are close he could not stay home more than that. So what was a girl to do besides let the toddler run the house?

That is exactly what I did. I let Teresa play with whatever she wanted, mostly play dough, and she got to stay in her pyjamas for days on end. Honestly, I thought it was a little hypocritical for me to stay in mine and make Teresa wear actual clothes. While Frances napped Teresa watched cartoons and I napped, and we somehow survived the week. The only really crappy part was cleaning up all the dried up play dough, oh, and all the mucus.

Teresa made me pancakes and hot tea

The girls enjoying play time without any interference from Mom.

When you have a face this cute, how can you be bad?


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you got sick, glad you're feeling better. Did you go to the doctor to get confirmation on the h1n1? If you didn't, you might want to see if they want you to, just to be added to the worldwide database.


Sarah said...

Good to hear that you're feeling somewhat better. And it looks like the girls are having fun. Thank goodness Teresa is at the PlayDough stage, and not the "tear the house apart for the heck of it" stage, right? :)

Jackie Yost said...

Good to hear that all is well again but watch out! Teresa might one day say: "I have complete authority!"

Pearl said...

Good to hear that you're feeling better - hopefully Teresa doesn't let all that power go to her head. :)

Meghan said...

Feel better Cara! We'll be in town for a week (me and Olivia) so we will get together!