Sunday, February 08, 2009

Nesting is for the birds

I am now tired of nesting, but the hilarious thing about this whole process is that I CAN'T STOP! If someone could kindly come over, take the vacuum out of my hands and tell me to go sit down I would be forever grateful... pretty please.

My laundry is done, every closet has been reorganized, all my kitchen and bathroom cupboards have been emptied, wiped down and reorganized. All the infant clothes have been washed, folded and put away. I have casseroles, soup, chili and stew frozen and waiting. My suitcase is packed and ready for me and mystery baby. And now... now I have nothing left to reorganize, so I must resort to baking and freezing cookies for potential company. Just a warning to our friends and family, you had better come over to see this child, and you better eat and enjoy these darn cookies. I'm not joking.

I am, currently, a week and a half away from my due date and praying for labour. I feel nauseous, tired, cranky and I have to pee ALL THE TIME. There is hope, I never felt like this with Teresa, I just sat on the couch until it was time for the induction. The interweb claims all the symptoms I have are pre-labour, but don't get too excited folks, these can last for weeks.

Here we are.....waiting......patiently.

As for Teresa, things are just trucking along. She spends 75% of her day in an imaginary world she culls from books and Gofrette. She also naps long as I exhaust her physically in the morning. Thankfully the weather has been nice so this is easy.

Don't they make a lovely pair of princesses?

I believe she is currently in a car, or boat, or some other mode of transportation.

There is nothing imaginary going on here, I just think she's cute when she eats cereal.


Anonymous said...

How many cookies are we talking about?? Will there still be some left in the summer?? Will you bring us some in March??

Teresa and Rowdy make extremely cute princesses!!

We can't wait to see Teresa again and to meet mystery Yost!

Tarra and Edwin

Anonymous said...

OK, mom, your mission is clear: exercise for 20 hours before your visit, in order to make room for the calories you must ingest to help out Gara :-)

Anonymous said...

good grief... the G key isn't even near the C.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe, Sarah, you've picked up K&C's psychic vibes... If this baby's name starts with a "G", we'll hail you as a genius!