Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Because Pearl asked nicely (& wanted more posts while we were relaxing on the sand) [ed. note: Cara made me change this title]

OK, so we are back in Winnipeg for two nights...  Yes two whole nights, without Teresa to boot.  We had to come in for Yostie #2's doctor's appointment today and I have a playoff ball game tonight.  Then Cara scheduled her book club for tomorrow night.  I wish that second night wasn't happening, but heck we'll take advantage of some quiet time to nap, go see a movie or two and rest.

So, I am hoping that I can get YouTube to post the heartbeat, which we got today.  When I have that I will post it under here...  All is well, and the heart was 155-160 bpm.

So now a few pictures from the past few days.
Teresa really likes driving a stick...

How is this for a blast from the past...  Dad pulling a young child in the orange wagon.  Ironically after saving it for all this time, the wagon broke already.  I am going to try to find parts tomorrow.  The second wagon we had broke today on the way home from the beach...  Presently mom & dad are at the beach wagonless.

What would the beach be without a splashing fight.  I started this one.  Dad was silly enough to believe that being near Teresa would save him...  BTW he fights dirty.  Today he splashed me while wearing his sweatshirt, something I would have been in trouble for having got wet if I even splashed back!

Teresa is running from the mayhem...

Teresa tries to get in on the action...

Yup, Teresa loves getting wet...

Making her warm again requires mommy...

No other child on Earth is more photographed I believe.

Teresa loves to stomp...

Teresa loves to run far away from our stuff.  Instants after this picture, Teresa said she had to poop and gave them 10 seconds (max) warning.  I took the picture of Sarah running her back with a bulging bum on dad's camera!

And for those who are concerned, our dog is doing well.  Full of piss & vinegar, even though he isn't supposed to run or swim he tries mightily to run in the 30 feet of cable he has been given.


Anonymous said...

Looking good behind the wheel - that's a Yost!


Anonymous said...

Now I'm wondering what the original title was... And if I should be mad or worried about it.

Thanks for the post!

Cute pictures. Love her daring one-shoulder swimsuit. Jealous ot this weekend's forecast. Poor Rowdy! That is all.

BTW, I got your bday card and the impressive artwork. Thanks! When Teresa is a famous whatever, I'll be able to say that I invested in her creative spark back in the day... :)